1.0.0 情報 - 流亡黯道

By Donna
at 2013-10-04T12:47
at 2013-10-04T12:47
Table of Contents
OK 有人用違反NDA的勇氣偷跑啦yahooooo
1. 新職業叫做The Scion(貴族末裔) 力智敏三體複合職
主打技能是可以將各式武器投擲出去的spectral weapon(幽體武器)
2. 新寶石系統 Trigger Gems(觸發寶石)
可以直接插在武器/防具上面, 有機率觸發各種效果
3. 遠程平衡(念做Nerf?)
4. 之前的地圖也會有新的探索內容
新怪物, 重製模組, 兩種皆有
5. 頭目戰據透
多段變身, 地板AoE, 屍爆, 怪物召喚, 等等
6. PvP
將會有Rank競賽, 搶旗戰等新種PvP設計
7. 公會
終於! 公用倉庫不用說了, 還會有公會點數(用途不明), 公會間對抗
8. 新League (廢話)
9. Steam
█◣◥█ ◣ ◢ ███◣ ◢██◤ ███◣◥█◤◢██◣ █ █
█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █◣ █
████ ◥██◤ ███◤ ███◤ ███◤ █ █ ● █ █ █ █
█ █ █ █ █ █ ◥◣ █ █ █ █ ◥█ DAN
█◣◥█ ◢█◣ █◣ ◢███◤ █ ◣◥◣ █◣◥██◤ █ █ SIMMONS
"Sometimes,Dreams are all that separate us from the machines."
1. 新職業叫做The Scion(貴族末裔) 力智敏三體複合職
主打技能是可以將各式武器投擲出去的spectral weapon(幽體武器)
2. 新寶石系統 Trigger Gems(觸發寶石)
可以直接插在武器/防具上面, 有機率觸發各種效果
3. 遠程平衡(念做Nerf?)
4. 之前的地圖也會有新的探索內容
新怪物, 重製模組, 兩種皆有
5. 頭目戰據透
多段變身, 地板AoE, 屍爆, 怪物召喚, 等等
6. PvP
將會有Rank競賽, 搶旗戰等新種PvP設計
7. 公會
終於! 公用倉庫不用說了, 還會有公會點數(用途不明), 公會間對抗
8. 新League (廢話)
9. Steam
█◣◥█ ◣ ◢ ███◣ ◢██◤ ███◣◥█◤◢██◣ █ █
█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █◣ █
████ ◥██◤ ███◤ ███◤ ███◤ █ █ ● █ █ █ █
█ █ █ █ █ █ ◥◣ █ █ █ █ ◥█ DAN
█◣◥█ ◢█◣ █◣ ◢███◤ █ ◣◥◣ █◣◥██◤ █ █ SIMMONS
"Sometimes,Dreams are all that separate us from the machines."
All Comments

By Erin
at 2013-10-06T09:01
at 2013-10-06T09:01

By Charlotte
at 2013-10-07T18:37
at 2013-10-07T18:37

By Queena
at 2013-10-08T00:09
at 2013-10-08T00:09

By Hedwig
at 2013-10-08T02:27
at 2013-10-08T02:27

By Dora
at 2013-10-09T13:40
at 2013-10-09T13:40

By Edward Lewis
at 2013-10-10T14:18
at 2013-10-10T14:18

By Genevieve
at 2013-10-14T12:21
at 2013-10-14T12:21

By Carolina Franco
at 2013-10-16T21:38
at 2013-10-16T21:38

By Jack
at 2013-10-19T11:49
at 2013-10-19T11:49

By Zora
at 2013-10-20T18:13
at 2013-10-20T18:13

By Sierra Rose
at 2013-10-25T00:23
at 2013-10-25T00:23

By Oscar
at 2013-10-25T01:52
at 2013-10-25T01:52

By Charlie
at 2013-10-27T08:03
at 2013-10-27T08:03

By Blanche
at 2013-10-28T08:53
at 2013-10-28T08:53

By Cara
at 2013-11-02T08:08
at 2013-11-02T08:08

By Emily
at 2013-11-06T11:37
at 2013-11-06T11:37

By Poppy
at 2013-11-11T11:32
at 2013-11-11T11:32

By Megan
at 2013-11-15T21:52
at 2013-11-15T21:52

By Jessica
at 2013-11-17T07:34
at 2013-11-17T07:34

By Barb Cronin
at 2013-11-22T05:03
at 2013-11-22T05:03

By Wallis
at 2013-11-23T13:47
at 2013-11-23T13:47

By Blanche
at 2013-11-26T04:17
at 2013-11-26T04:17

By Liam
at 2013-11-30T23:14
at 2013-11-30T23:14

By William
at 2013-12-01T12:47
at 2013-12-01T12:47

By Yuri
at 2013-12-05T14:44
at 2013-12-05T14:44

By Oliver
at 2013-12-09T05:22
at 2013-12-09T05:22

By Callum
at 2013-12-11T08:17
at 2013-12-11T08:17

By Hamiltion
at 2013-12-15T13:28
at 2013-12-15T13:28

By Rae
at 2013-12-17T05:17
at 2013-12-17T05:17

By Madame
at 2013-12-20T17:47
at 2013-12-20T17:47

By Zanna
at 2013-12-25T09:53
at 2013-12-25T09:53

By Genevieve
at 2013-12-29T05:32
at 2013-12-29T05:32

By Tom
at 2014-01-02T16:39
at 2014-01-02T16:39

By Mason
at 2014-01-07T03:54
at 2014-01-07T03:54

By Zanna
at 2014-01-09T07:43
at 2014-01-09T07:43

By Blanche
at 2014-01-10T20:23
at 2014-01-10T20:23

By Kelly
at 2014-01-12T09:30
at 2014-01-12T09:30

By Regina
at 2014-01-17T06:34
at 2014-01-17T06:34
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